Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

The Great Cthulhu

Difficult to pronounce and rightly so for speaking the name of a great old one may yet bring their wrath down upon you. But do not worry Cthulhu is very deeply asleep in R’lyeh where he waits to awaken.

Cthulhu is malevolent and by our definition he is evil, but not so much because he despises humans. The whole idea around Cthulhu’s existence is what humans do when presented with something they cannot understand, control, or possibly grasp. Cthulhu’s very identity is infinite. He is the great one, hundreds of meters tall and with features so strange and beyond our understanding that we have a vague idea of his appearance but no actual solid evidence, only artist renditions.

Cthulhu is the topic/god of many cults who wish to either bring about the end of the world or hopefully be spared from his wrath. The chant you see in the title is what most cults chant while worshiping Cthulhu. It means “In his house at R’lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming”

Many consider our large octopus like overlord to be a deity of madness and chaos, but like in Norse mythology the gods and old ones of the Cthulhu mythos are not directly tied to one aspect of creation, they didn’t create the universe. Like us they were born into it and have their own lives and relationships, the only thing different between us and them is the fact that they have “godlike” abilities.

To them we are insects in their universe just taking up space, and that is exactly what Cthulhu represents. He presents the idea that humans are not the strongest and that we do not deserve to claim the top of the food chain.

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