How to summon an old god

In a couple easy steps you can be worshipping any old god of your choice! Step 1: Make some friends join a cult, look online, do whatever is necessary but find some likeminded sacrifices/people. Most rituals require either a sacrifice or multiple people chanting the invocation. In case of this ritual you will need 6 Read More…

Theremin and Waterphone: sounds of suffering (student choice)

Continuing with my theme of interesting horror things I’d like to speak about the theremin and the waterphone. The waterphone is a strange non-mechanical device consisting of multiple metal rods of varying lengths around a center area. To play the instrument you take what is similar to a violin’s bow and you rub it around Read More…

Current event: What is going on?

In February of 2019, not to long ago, there was a rash of freak weather across the UK and Australia. Quite literally polar opposites, in the UK There was pounds of snow because of a record breaking 6.1 degrees! But in Australia there was a mind boggling 121 degrees heat wave!There was even a case Read More…