Ten things you should know about Azathoth

  1. He is the ruler of the outer gods. The outer gods are a species of beings of which H.P. Lovecraft created. They are supposedly the oldest and strongest of all entities in existence, capable of ruling the cosmos.
  2. He is an “amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity”. Literally Azathoth is a blob of indescribable grotesque parts and is sitting in the center of the universe. According to actual science though there is no center of the universe because (the commonly accepted theory states that) the universe is constantly expanding and moving outwards.
  3. The Dream-quest of Unknown Kadath was the first completed work to mention Azathoth. One of H.P. Lovecraft’s works, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath was unpublished in Lovecraft’s lifetime but is one of the dream cycle series. It is the longest of lovecraft’s works to feature the protagonist Randolph Carter
  4. He is father to Nyarlathotep, the crawling chaos. Azathoth is the father of Nyarlathotep who I have written about before on a previous post.
  5. Cthulhu is Azathoth’s great-great-grandson. Azathoth is essentially the father or grandfather to almost all of the most chaotic and ruthless beings in Lovecraft’s Mythos.
  6. First appearance was in “Azathoth” By H.P. Lovecraft. The short story of the same name was an opening to an incomplete novel and only featured Azathoth in the title.
  7. Also known as the Nuclear chaos. Nuclear refers to his location at the center of the universe and chaos refers to him as a whole. He has a chaotic appearance, a chaotic motivation, a chaotic family tree.
  8. He is featured in a game called the “Call of Cthulhu RPG”. A tabletop RPG, The Call of Cthulhu features Azathoth along with many other Outer Gods and from what I’ve heard is worth giving a chance, It apparently plays similar to dungeons and dragons but I can not vouch for the validity of this claim.
  9. There is An anthology Known as the Azathoth Cycle in whcih all of the written works to feature Azathoth or to be inspired by Azathoth are included
  10. Azathoth is heavily connected to the Dream Cycle, a small series of short stories and novellas related to the dreamlands. The dreamlands are an alternate dimension that can be entered via dreams.

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